Lebih kurang 1 year ago Ikah keep on thinking to find out the best choice untuk laptop. Maklum saja setelah 'remaja matang' kembali menjadi student even for 1 year i believe that there will be a lot of assignments / coursework to be done in order to complete the so called "Dip.Pend". Computers are used very often by all of us nowadays. This is also because they have been pretty much improved in time and ini membuatkan kita can work much better in all sorts of situations.
Ok. Bukan nak citer the importance of computer/laptop/internet, yang tue leh google sendiri lam internet. Ikah nak share my own experience beli laptop di kedai A & kedai B. Dlm byk2 laptop yang di survey, DELL adalah brand yang paling memikat jiwa. Compaq pun oke, cume time tue kaler dia kurang menggoda..asik2 itam jer..bowinkk!!
Oke memula kedai A:
- Kakak Ikah yang suggest kedai A kat satu daerah tue...before reach there, I got the number and called him more than 3 times. okay i repeat more than 3 times, but never pick up one. Went there with my busy but beloved Mr.Zack (huh sempat agi tue..).
- oke about 40 min, dah sampai..owh nama kedai dier sungguh Islamic plus Arabic..sejuk hati dan mata yang melihat..as we entered, fuyyohh..byk sgt PC-PC lama berterabur di lantai..sib baik tak sesat jumpe owner kedai..
- at last jumpe..orgnye berkopiah and looks quite busy with his work, muka xsempat senyum pun, so Ikah just direct to the point coz xmo la kacau dier yg sgt busy tue..
- dia jwb cmnie.."owhh laptop DELL dlm 2minggu dpt ahh..tgk design & colour yang nak..patutnya call dulu tadi.." ni yang buat Ikah gerammm..dah call la td ustaz, baru dier nak belek handphone..laaa kat dalam kocek baju aje..mmg IMPOSSIBLE sungguh kalo ustaz xdengar..ok xper..sabar.
- next, Ikah tanya itu & ini..jawabnya pun acuh x acuh...oke disbbkan 2weeks nye promise dan itu pun lum tentu & dia pun xbersungguh sgt, I didn't make any promise with him.
- kami blah dr situ dgn ati yg frustrated..
Now Kedai B
- yang ni dekat umah aje actually, tp disebabkan tidak seagama, that's y Ikah choose yang 1 religion, yelah, to make them rich and richer..hoping later they leh wat bykkkk amal jariah..
- I went there alone, these Chinese people welcomed me with a broad smile make me really excited..the shop is still small but sedap sungguh mata memandang, neat+clean+looks new
- I looked a lot of brochures and asked for DELL (of coz), I nak cepat, bila dpt? (saje nak gertak taw..)and he said within 3-4 days..WOW!!! this is great + incredible!
- but u know what, kat lam kedai mamat cina nie ada satu jer model DELL, tue pun not my taste, betul ker nih, tah2 nak tipu gua..
- but i don't know how, easily can trust them, during that time pun dia call geng dier kat KB dlm bahasa yg Ikah rasa rugi xbelaja...(best kan those who learn this language)
- oke done. I paid the deposit RM50 aje dulu..brg lum dpt ape..dia punya price exactly standard rate dlm website aje, so there's no trick at all
- bg Ikah la kan, they maybe cannot afford make it in 4 days, but they really make me trust them, they really cares..really
- i got my Pink laptop 2 days later..awesome kan? Plus, I got free mouse pad & 40% less for cute mouse ..memang wow..perghh..dahsyat xhengatt..
Ikah xsuke sebenarnya nak underestimate orang mcm kedai A..but now i realized and know why such people in Kedai B always maju beribu tapak di hadapan compared to Kedai A..kita pun selalu dengar kata-kata hikmah orang2 kita kan "kalo mcm ni mcm mane M_ _ _ _ _ nak maju.." hohoho...tepuk dada tanya bijak pandai ^-^

p/s: teringat kisah member pegi kedai orang B, nak beli brg bla bla..org kedai B ckp "owh itu brg sulah abis, lu dtg lagi 3 hari..so member pegi kedai lagi satu..org kedai nie jwb kedai B mana jual bla bla nie dik. Meaning? Type B people not lying one, but they committed very much and always begin with promise. They always better than A type & it is how they SUCCEED in business.

p/s: teringat kisah member pegi kedai orang B, nak beli brg bla bla..org kedai B ckp "owh itu brg sulah abis, lu dtg lagi 3 hari..so member pegi kedai lagi satu..org kedai nie jwb kedai B mana jual bla bla nie dik. Meaning? Type B people not lying one, but they committed very much and always begin with promise. They always better than A type & it is how they SUCCEED in business.
Salam Ikah,
ReplyDeletetu standard org kita nege lah.. Tapi INSYALLAH di kedai akak, kita tak mengamalkan sikap seperti peniaga A. INSYALLAH cam B.. Cuma kengkadang ada gak yg tak kena.. Try do the best for customer.
betul tue kak yan, patutnya kita kena belajar dgn drg..Insya Allah biz kak yan terus sukses
ReplyDeleteisk3,,, sebenarnya teringin nak tukar lappy ,, haha,, duit xdek lagi., geram pakai compaq,, lombap ~ nnti akak belikan sekali boleh ?? haha
ReplyDeleteheheh..cik siti faridah nie (nama penuh jugak dijawab..hee..amikk)..kalo slow try pi servis dulu..pastu laju arr..akak belikan yang menan la ekk..hihi
ReplyDeletecantik laptop tu k.ikah.Tu la,kadang2 org kite ni macam malas je nak berniaga.Kite nak bg duit kat die,tapi die nak tak nak je layan kite kan?ML kan malang betul dengan laptop tau.Laptop ML dua tahun je rosak.Sekarang ni da masuk laptop ke-3 ML beli.Harap2 laptop ni bertahan.So,k.ikah da dpt belum laptop baru?=)
ReplyDeleteML: betul tue, kita nak sgt tgk org kita maju, tp sikap yg bezakan kita dgn drg..
ReplyDeletewah dah 3 biji laptop kamoo ML..mmg ganaz...k.ikah amik yg DELL nilah..kaler PINK!..alhamdulillah so far no prob