Selamat Tahun Baru 2011..!!!

To all of my silent readers, bloggers and followers sekalian..
# As the new year takes the flying start, may it brings peace of heaven to your house and fills your heart with grace and glory. Wishing you 365 days of unstop
# May this new year fill your life with sweetest memories to cherish forever.
# May this new year be successful and prosperous as always
Ikah punye azam..xmo la reveal sumer..yang biasa2 aje..janji we able to achieve them. Amiin..
- be more caring and loving mother and wife
- try at least 1 new recipe per week
- more committed with my work as I really need rezeki yang berkat
- work hard & smart of course!
- banyakkan puasa + solat sunat
- kurangkan makan!
kalo cakap pasal azam baru nak buat list sampai 1001 pun bleh, tapi yang penting usaha perlu berterusan +ikhlas +bersungguh-sungguh. Bagi Ikah family is always number 1, selain tue ibadah perlu bertambah, dosa-dosa tolong kurangkan yea!! Chow chin chau.
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